Overcoming Social Anxiety
We have all been nervous from time to time when thrown into a new social setting. Anything from starting a new job, being submersed in a group setting, going on a first date, or becoming extremely nervous when having to present or give a speech to a large group - it can be anything. You may have felt shy around your crush, antsy from losing a friend in a large crowd, or a little apprehensive about being in a new social situation. It ’ s normal to feel some form of anxiety in these situations. On the other hand, people who suffer from social anxiety feel a higher level of stress on a much more frequent basis, that is much more intense than average . Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash Understanding Social Anxiety Social anxiety, sometimes called social phobia, is a deep, intense fear of being judged, rejected, or viewed negatively in a social setting or situation. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that approximately 15 million a...