10 Small Healing Products Essential for Traveling Anywhere, Especially With Kids!
Going on a family vacation is the most exciting part of our year! A break from school, a break from work. But the preparation for a family vacation carries its own weight and stress with it! We spend a ton of time and money to make sure everything will be perfect for our family, a memory we will never forget! Do we have enough clothes, what are we going to do with the animals, the mail, the lights, the medicine! Maybe you travel for work. Nothing like being sick the night before your big meeting! Having traveled with my kids for years, now 22 & 16, we have had some close calls with sickness! We make sure our arsenal pouch is always packed when leaving the country!” Getting stuck on cruises when Norovirus attacked the ships, stomach viruses hit resorts, and being prepared for Mexico for the “just in case,” moments, these five products will keep you, and your kids healthy and happy, even if everyone is getting sick around you! From physical dis-ease to emotional ch...